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The WaterFund Mandate

The Water Act 2016 states that the object of the Fund is to provide conditional and unconditional grants to counties, in addition to the Equalization Fund and to assist in financing the development and management of water services in marginalized areas or any area which is considered by the Board of Trustees to be underserved including:

a) Community-level initiatives for the sustainable management of water resources;

b) Development of water services in rural areas considered not to be commercially viable for provision of water services by licensees;

c) Development of water services in the under- served poor urban areas; and

d) Research activities in the area of water resources management and water services, sewerage, and sanitation.

Thematic Areas in Water Research

i) Water resources
The main source of groundwater contamination in Kenya includes industrial discharge, urban influent, agriculture, and salinization from solid water intrusion.

ii) Water services
Rains in Kenya are not consistent year-round. This leads to failed rains resulting in a shortage of water seen through the pronounced water shortage in major cities and their environments. The availability of water in rural areas is also one of the greatest challenges with water shortage affecting water for irrigation and domestic use.

iii) Sanitation Management
The lack of water in Kenya is aggravated by insufficient treatment of water and wastewater, particularly with rapid population growth and urbanization, sanitation management value chain, and sanitation systems. Major areas of concern include domestic wastewater, agricultural pollution, industrial wastewater, and solid waste pollution.

iv) Sewerage services
Research and innovation in the areas of sewerage disposal, sewerage infrastructure and management.